Sometimes life gets in the way of what Life is supposed to be,,,,I was letting the little bumps in the road get me down and didn't even try to struggle out of it.I was wallowing in all the "stuff" and forgetting what is important~ FAMILY~ While I sit in my mess I let family down I let things slip by that I shouldn't, I let everyone , including myself , down. I hate missing things, I hate being so far away I hate 'forgetting' I should be there for you all instead of apologizing for not. Things will change and will change NOW. My 'stuff" was in the cellar but I have hauled it all out into the sunshine to either blow away or blow the stink off. I am sorry to have missed important dates, times and people and this will be fixed!! I know it's hard work to get things done but I must dig in and do the work. I love you all and will do my best to let you all know it in more ways than one!! Forgive my mistakes and let me make it up. NOTHING is more important the my Family!!