Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall is finally here

The temp was on the cool side these past few nights, which means Autumn is here. Wish the trees would change but they don't do that here in Nevada, just one day you go outside and all the leaves have dropped off the trees! I miss the New York Autumns but not the rest of the year there!! And I miss my friends so much too.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Being Present

Working at a bookstore, I don't exactly get to read...just skim books so when someone has a semi-vague idea of a book they are looking for,I can have a semi-vague idea of which book it is. Anyway I had a book being processed today and opened it to a section talking about "being Present in the Moment" How many of us show up but aren't really "there"?? Everyone raise your hand!
We go to work, sit at our desk and do things by rote, checking the clock for when lunch time is, then show back up to the desk and watch for the go home time. Do we LOVE our jobs? So many can't say Yes! ( I LOVE my job!!thank goodness)
Do we LOVE our Families?? Can you say you are overjoyed to drive up the driveway and get home? When you hear the door open, do you stop what you are doing to greet your kids or spouse?
Lets try to make our lives lived