Monday, November 17, 2008


A lovely young woman spoke in Church yesterday. She talked about judging and Family. How quick are we to make judgments about a family member or a friend? Why do we look to the past to make our opinions about those closest to us?,,,,, he has gotten drunk so many times, can’t trust him at all,,, ,she is way to irresponsible and will never change….they spent their unexpected money windfall on ‘dumb’ things, they can’t handle their money,,, she’s let me down in the past,,,,, he’ll never amount to anything,,, Have we thought these things and others? What gives us the right?? Why is it we pick at the little scabs of mistakes and not extol the little virtues?? Lets all try to find something GOOD in those around us! Some may have a tough time finding these but take the time to TRY!! Do this with no expectations, not every good deed will be reciprocated. We all have said, “I won’t do something nice for so and so because they won’t do something nice for me” See how good it feels to be a nice person, besides it just may confuse that other person!!
NONE of us are PERFECT
All of us are HUMAN
Just for today, find something good in everyone you meet

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